Structured case and project management

Create a framework of practice for the organisation, as required. From here you can –

  • Set out the areas of work that predict the change you are seeking, linked selectively to key programs
  • Support assessment, goal setting and plan actions required to achieve ‘what and when’ for completion
  • Record delivery and progress of each aspect of the plan, against the stated goal
  • Monitor achievement according to agreed timeframes, and alert users on dates for completion as they draw near
  • Review plans, record progress, and update tasks remaining to be done, without losing the original version of the plan
  • Link plan actions to outcomes and quantified measures as required
  • Close off elements of the plan as required, indicating what was achieved.

Authorised users can drill down into text that records the client story for each area of the practice framework, across cases and projects over time. In this way, your framework supports both practice and research and evaluation.