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CSnet BCorp Overview
Mission impact
Supporting workers through change
Practice and outcome measurement frameworks
SaaS hosting, privacy and security
CSnet(R) facts and highlights
Housing and Homelessness
AIHW Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) Validata upload
Advance to Zero collaboration model
(Fact sheet coming soon)
Family Violence Services
Department of Social Services Data Exchange (DEX) integration
Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing IRIS upload
Embedding the MARAM framework
The Orange Door pilot
Partnering on IRIS-The Orange Door-MARAM
Child and Family Services
Department of Social Services Data Exchange (DEX) integration
NSW Department of Communities and Justice lnfoShare upload
(Fact sheet coming soon)
Queensland Government Procure to Invest (P2i) Outcome Measurement System reporting
(Fact Sheet coming soon)
Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing IRIS upload
Embedding the MARAM framework
The Orange Door pilot
Partnering on IRIS-The Orange Door-MARAM
Victorian Department of Health Home and Community Care (HACC) upload
(Fact sheet coming soon)
Mental health/AOD
Victorian Alcohol and Drug Data Collection upload
(Fact sheet coming soon)
Settlement and Refugee Services
Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP) upload
(Fact sheet coming soon)
Community Legal Services
Community Legal Centres within a system of community services
National Legal Assistance Partnership (NLAP)/CLASS upload