CSnet – Supporting the Voice Yes Vote

CSnet supports the Yes Vote. It is an historic opportunity to recognise Indigenous Australians in the Constitution, listen to their voices about matters affecting Indigenous families and communities, and make a practical difference with concrete results for better social outcomes.

This referendum is about straightforward ideas and practical solutions:

  • Recognising and respecting 65,000 years of Indigenous culture for the first time in Australia’s 122-year-old Constitution
  • Listening to a diverse group of Indigenous Australians about the policies and challenges that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities
  • Protecting the Voice for future generations by putting it in the Constitution, giving it the security it needs to build its place as providing meaningful and honest advice.

CSnet acknowledges and proudly walks alongside our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partner organisations who work each day from ground up to achieve cultural and social outcomes for their children, families and communities.

With the date set for the vote on 14 October 2023, CSnet lends its support to this grassroots campaign and contributes to the call to Vote Yes through our networks and local communities. Let’s make this change together.

#bethechange #voteyes23 #yes23

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