best for the world csnet

Best for the World B Corps of 2022

We’re excited to share our news – recognition for being in the top 5% of global B Corps 2022 in Best for the World – Customers – impact!

This recognition is really important to us – Best for the World™ B Corps in the impact area of Customers! We share this recognition with our amazing CSnet human services partners and changemakers. Thank you for trusting CSnet as your SaaS platform to support ground-up services for vulnerable families and communities.

We are focussed on what our customers are trying to achieve, working with people and communities to benefit the community. Making a difference is central to CSnet’s theory of change. Through the client information system we offer, we assist organisations to record and measure the benefits and outcomes that they deliver.

Technology transformation in human services is difficult work – it takes clear leadership about what is important and a commitment to individual and organizational learning. A different approach is needed in a workforce of people who want to put people, not technology, at the center of their work. Getting the right ‘fit’ of support for good practice and technology is critical to success.

When you work with CSnet, you have a key CSnet contact who has worked in human services – its our job to know you and the work that you do. This helps to breakdown the silos between the ‘program people’ and the ‘IT people’. Together we help you get the most benefit from CSnet, and we see how using data everyday can benefit the people and communities we serve.

Our work alongside CSnet organisations is based on partnership and sharing knowledge about What is important? Why make the changes? How? What works? What did we learn?

“As a B Corp we see success in a broad way, it’s not just about financials. Of course you need to be sustainable, but we want to use our resources to make more impact, and measure that impact. Success is about knowing the difference we make and contributing to everybody benefiting and the planet – Mandy Doon, Executive Director”

We are privileged to partner with innovative human services leading the way to change how human services are delivered for better social outcomes. Through co-facilitated case studies, presentations, sector recognition and project work, we proudly showcase their achievements and their journey so far.

We are proud to share this case study which shows how the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency VACCA and CSnet are working together to embed indigenous culture and practice in the CSnet case management system. We thank VACCA for their generosity in sharing their cultural knowledge about the central place of cultural wellbeing outcomes in service delivery, and how to ‘get going get better’ with CSnet.

“We look forward to continuing to build innovative partnerships with our CSnet organisations, to share knowledge and good practice in case management, to demonstrate through stories and data ‘what works and what we can improve’ to solve complex social problems”
– Mandy Doon, Executive Director

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Thanks to our CSnet team of compassionate and wise human services practitioners and software developers who bring a focus on outcomes for families and communities and strive to improve the experience of human services workers who rely on CSnet each day.

Thank you to the B Corp community for this acknowledgement and encouragement of CSnet as a business as a force for good. Congratulations to all the honorees in the Best for the World B Corp community.


You can read the VACCA Case Study and watch it here, on Connecting Up, or on our website, below:


VACCA Case Study Blog Image