Tim Gleeson

Tim Gleeson

Managing Director


+61 (0) 416 244 819



Tim Gleeson is co-founder and Managing Director of Community Services.net Pty Ltd. Tim also sits on the Board.

Tim has been involved in building the company from ground-up since 2009. Tim was the first employee of CSnet® and has been fully involved in the design and management of CSnet® from v1.0.

Tim has extensive experience in all policy and operational facets of the community services sector and government program design. Tim worked in government and community sector roles and has contributed to social policy across a broad range of human services programs supporting the welfare and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities in need.

After leaving senior government policy roles in 1994, Tim co-founded Community Link Australia Pty Ltd (CLA) – a consultancy company focused on community sector practice and approaches to social program design, contracting and quality improvement to support ongoing learning in the human services sector.

“We know that unless organisations can collect and learn from data more efficiently and effectively, they will continue to focus on meeting program outputs and will struggle to focus on client and social outcomes”(1)

It was through the consultancy work of CLA with human services organisations that the ‘missing link’ of real-time whole-of-organization data about the client journey, across multiple service programs, became the driver to build CSnet.

“We want to support the integration of outcomes measurement with the use of data everyday to improve services. Our goal is to embed this practice in CSnet® software and support processes.”(1)

As Managing Director, Tim is responsible for overall strategy and operations including building leadership and knowledge, and ongoing systems improvement.